News & Events
2023 Events
May 27th The ART, WINE & Wheels Festival
I will be at the Art, Wine & Wheels Festival from 11:00 am-5:00 pm. Held on the Mariposa Courthouse lawn, located at 5088 Bullion St. Mariposa, CA.
I will share the Yosemite Sierra Artists Booth with one other artist for the day. Along with my art, prints, and cards, I will also be selling my young adult fantasy books, The Long Dark Cloak and The Golden Lantern--a new release on May 17th. There will be many activities and events going on. Come join us and have fun at this annual festival.
Sierra Art Trails Sept.-Oct., 2023
Two weekends, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Sept. 29th—through Oct.1st, and Oct 6—Oct. 9th, from 10am—5pm.
​I’ll be participating in the Annual Sierra Art Trails at my home Black Oaks Art Studio.from 10:00AM—5:00PM. I’ll look forward to seeing you. Watch for ads to purchase your catalog that directs you to each artist’s site with maps and art displays.
Saturday, November 4, 9:00 AM -- 3:-00 PM
Ladies of the Lakes Holiday Boutique.
Yosemite Lakes Park Clubhouse
30250 Yosemite Springs Parkway, Coarsegold
At this annual event, I’ll have various size art prints, cards, and both young adult fantasy books from the Relics Adventures.
December 2023
Held at the Mariposa Fairgrounds Buildings A&B
Friday Dec. 1, from 9:00AM—6PM
Saturday Dec. 2, from 9:00AM—4PM
Food, Raffle and lots of fine handmade craft and art available.
I’ll have my artwork, cards, art prints and young adult fantasy books, The Long Dark Cloak, book 1, and The Golden Lantern, book 2 available.
Plan to come by and enjoy the day, support your local artists, and try the delicious food.
For those artisans who are interested in joining these events with your creative products, please contact Coordinator:
I’ll see you there!
More will be added as dates are set.
In addition to my artwork, and for those curious young adult fantasy readers, I will email you a free, hand-drawn map of the West Forest in Southern England where my story takes place in The Long Dark Cloak, Book 1 and The Golden Lantern, book 2. You’ll need to order the book from my new website: and click the Amazon button to order directly. Then click HERE to leave your email address and I’ll email you the map.
You’ll want to navigate your way around the mystical forest to find the location of Zephyrus, the Master & Peacekeeper of the forest; locate the terrible Troll Transformation Prison; find your way to the South Castle, and many more strange and delightful places in the vast woodland.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!